 Latest Local Explorer SAlocexp 3.1se Solaris Edition
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Data collector Solaris
Data collector linux
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What has changed  
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Timestampcomment change
20150311075237Install reported error on Solaris 11 only sparc fixed
20150115130940This version is now supported for Solaris11
20150115130940Solaris 11 update version
20140702101024Linux fixes
20140701233638PCA config fix
20140213092202Use wget instead of ping faster
20131211013419Disk hard error shows total number of errorst for all disks
20131211013419Qls script on adminpage now better
20131211013419Minor fixes
20130703122856Fixed pachdiag page link to MOS
20130703122856update pca Version 20120829-01
20130703122856LISA_manual31se-v8.pdf is on web and i pkg
20130703122856Add status in Admin.cgi for non explorer files on transfer
20130703122856Multiple small fixes
20120214013039Get and qls script in tools dir see GetSTB.cgi on Admin page
20120214013039Change color to red on security patches
20120214013039Add fma warning icon if fmadm faulty has somting to say
20120214013039Sonly-patchdiag.html (SECURITY) shows up as red link o indexpage
20120214013039Fix svcadm disable svc:/network/lisa-http:default
somtimes resulted in maintenance
20120214013039Add PSS CONTRACT info if serial is in contract.txt same as comment.txt
20120214013039Add icon fan error
20120214013039Fix garbage chars in upload MOS SR field
20120214013039Add new S44-ASR-compliant script on find page
20111020075102Fix bug Network adapters Full/Half duplex
20111020075102Add counter on sort colums on sub selection Platform Kernel etc
20110709224358Patchinfo page have links to MOS on latest verion and README
webserver upgrade now 1.4.27
Better and simpler config security just uncomment on line in lighttpd.conf
20110627104645PCA is included for patchinfo
20110208213648Direct upload to MOS from selected host tagged whith Request Number
20110207090944patchdiag now create links to patches direct to Oracle MOS
20110111080544Add doc.pdf documentation
